The Pretty Warrior Way

5 Moves To Firmer Glutes  In Just 5 Days

Try these 5 moves right at home or at the gym
  1 minute each, every day for 5 days and you will start to feel your glutes getting firm!

Stop... Did You Know?

The glute muscles are an esential component of all movement. They are made up of the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Minimus.  They are centrally located, and connect our upper and lower body as well as our core. Our glutes play a huge role in our ability to move correctly and are vital to our hip and core stability. The glutes are often regarded as one of the most crucial muscle groups in the body. 


Building muscle mass helps burn fat because of its metabolic properties. It is essential for longevity because it promotes bone health. 
And it looks sexy AF.

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EMOM or Every Minute On The Minute do each of these exercises.  

Kick Back Squats  Coaches Notes:
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly outward.  Engage your core and keep your chest up Send your hips back and down into a squat position.
As you come up from the squat, lean your weight to one side and extend the opposite leg, kicking it backward.
Squeez your glute for 1-2 seconds then go back to the starting position and repeat the movement with the opposite leg. Continue alternating legs for 1 minute.  Add weight as needed.

Hip Bridges. Coaches Notes:
Start lying on your back with your knees up and feet flat on the floor.
engage your core and tilt your hips under.  Lift your hips up squeezing the glutes under and pausing at the top. Then lower back down.  You can add a band, weight or both to intensify the movement.
Do this movement for 1 minute.

Fire Hydrant  Coaches Notes:
Start by getting on your hands and knees with the shoulders in line with the wrists and the knees in line with the hips.  Without leaning, lift one leg up to the side keeping it bent ans to resemble a dog ant a fire hydrant.  
Repeat on each side for 1 minute.  You can split it up to 2 sets of :30 each side if needed. or add a band for more intensity.

On a sturdy surface, such as a step, bench, or box, that is about knee height. Stand in front of the elevated surface with your feet hip-width apart and about 1 leg distance away. Place 1 foot back on the elevated surface, with your toes pointing down. 
 Engage your core and maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise.
Send your standing hip back and down  keeping your front knee over your ankle.  Push through your front heel to drive yourself back up to the starting position, focusing on using your glute. muscles to power the movement. Do 1 minute on each side. Or 2 sets of :30 each side
 Add weights as needed.

Find an elevated surface that you can safely rest on and hold on to such as a bench box couch arm or bed.  Place the crease of your hips on the corner and hold on with your arms.  bend the knees and flex the feet.  Pump your legs up trying to place the bottom of your feet on the ceiling. Squeez your glutes at the to before coming back down.  Repeat for 1 minute.

Ready To Turn Up The Heat?

If you are ready for more intensity,  than add extra rounds as needed and make it a superset.  Gradually increase your volume and weight over time so you keep growing.
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